C Db7 C Db7 Luck be a lady tonight C Db7 C Db7 Luck be a lady tonight C Db7 C Db7 Luck if you've ever been a lady to be-gin with C Db7 C Db7 Luck be a lady tonight C Ab7 Db D7 Db D7 Luck let a gentleman see, just Db D7 Db D7 How nice a dame you can be Db D7 Db D7 I know the way you've treated other guys youve been with Db D7 Db D7 Luck be a lady with me Db A7 D A7b9 D A lady doesn't leave her escort. It isn't Am6 Bm7 E7 Fair, it isn't nice. A Am Lady doesn't wan-der all o-ver the B7b9 Room, and Em B7 G9 Dm7 G7 Blow on some other guys dice. So C Db7 C Db7 Let's keep this party po-lite C Db7 C Db7 Never get out of my sight C Db7 C Db7 Stick with me baby, I'm the fellow you came in with C Db7 Luck be a lady C Db7 Luck be a lady C Db7 C Db7 C Luck be a lady tonight
Luck Be A Lady chords
by Frank Sinatra